Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Did I forget You ?

Well it seams that I left out Singers, Dancers, Musicians and other Entertainers like some of the circus performers.
I didn't mean to forget any one that makes his living in the Entertainment field.

We have all seen the list of Famous Masons with Harold Lloyd, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Tom Mix, John Wayne, Red Skelton and some of the leaders of the Studio Lots. But there were a great number of Masons working behind the scenes that we don't hear about.

I want to hear from our current stars but I also want to hear from the boy’s in the band
and the guys that make sure the show goes on. I think it would be nice to know I was working with a brother it might sometime ease the tension and make it easer.

I will be adding links to masons as I get them. If you have a web site, a blog, my space, or face book send it to me and I will add a link.

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